Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weight Loss Plans - The Fat Book Review

Weight Loss Plans - The Fat Book Review

Ready for some straight talk and REAL results? You've got to check out The Fat Book. Written for people who are serious about changing their lives by a person who made SERIOUS changes in his life! Losing over 100 pounds, the author of The Fat Book takes his experience, chronicles the exercises, the nutrition regimen, and advice from his own professional personal trainers and translates that into a program that anyone can use to achieve their fitness goals.

Reading through this book really makes you focus on improving your life and lifestyle. The seven secrets that are explored in this book are geared to help serious individuals understand their motivation for losing weight and taking that motivation and turning it into results.

Tools included in the book like the workout log, the food journal, and the meal plan really help to ensure your ability to enjoy success. By recording a baseline, and then tracking your progress, you're able to reach your goals much more quickly. The templates and tools included in the ebook help you do this.

This ebook is a must have for anyone interested in losing weight in a healthy, sustainable manner.